When looking back on decisions we have made, there are two types that we can possibly wish we had handled differently. Taking a chance, or not taking it. But which leaves us with a bigger sense of regret?
Its easy to say that we shouldnt regret any decision we have made if we learn from it. Or to say that you wouldnt change anything from your past because every decision you made brought you where you are today. And that changing even a fraction of the past could have you in a worse place today. That stupid butterfly thing. But since none of us can actually change the past anyway (except Marty McFly of course) it does us no harm to examine this question.
Think back on times in your life where you have held back from going after something. Maybe a job you wanted, maybe a trip you wanted to take, maybe a person you were interested in. There was something inside you that really wanted this, and wanted to go after it. But because you werent sure what the outcome would be, or potentially faced failure or rejection, you opted to let the moment pass. How do you feel now looking back? Do you feel it was the best choice? Or do you wish you had taken that chance? Even if you had known it wouldnt work out, but at least to say that you went after it, do you wish you had? I know for a fact there have been times in my past that I have looked back on and said "why didnt I just go for it? What was I so scared of?" I know it seems odd, based on my philosophies of life, that I could be scared or timid about anything. But hey, I am human, I have a desire to protect myself same as anyone. But I also believe that fear isnt a seatbelt that saves us, it's more of a straightjacket. Now true, straightjackets are usually for crazy or out of control people. So maybe that analogy sucks. Lets try another one. Maybe its like the difference between dieting and starving yourself. Starving yourself is letting fear take over and keep you from something you want. Dieting would be thinking rationally and knowing that its all about moderation. The question to ask yourself when you feel the fear to take a chance is...WHAT is it I am afraid of? (and that we address in the next chapter)
So you didnt take the chance. You held back and "starved" yourself of an opportunity for something. Possibly something amazing. But also possibly something that wouldnt have worked out. Which is a worse outcome to you?
Well, lets take the other road. Think back to a time you took a chance, or leapt without looking, or dove into something headfirst. And that something didnt work out. Again, maybe you quit your old job to try a new one, or you went on a wild excursion, or you put your heart on the line for someone you wanted. But the new job was a bust, or the trip made you sick, or the person didnt feel the same. Now what? Do you look back and say "I shouldnt have done that" or "I wish I could go back and erase that"? Maybe you do. But think hard about what that would mean. Undoing that decision isnt really about avoiding the outcome. It says alot more about you as a person. It says to me that you only feel things are worth trying if you can dictate the outcome. Am I wrong? Now granted, getting sick on a trip is no fun, but is that really all you got out of the trip? Did you not see a new part of the world? And perhaps the new job sucked, but would you have quit the old one if you were happy there? And yes, it absolutely sucks when you like/love someone and you put all your cards on the table only to have them say "go fish". But, wouldnt it have been worse to never try and always wonder.
As with anything, these are simply my opinions and views on life. But for as many times as I have looked back on a step I took, and yes thought for a moment (or 100) that I wish I hadnt done that, I wouldnt take it back. Because while doing it differently may have ended differently, and yes perhaps maybe even better, at what cost did that come? Being someone I am not. Because the move I made was based on me, my heart, my mind, my instincts. Doing it any other way would just seem calculated and phony. You have to be true to yourself. Because those things in your life you are bringing close to you, especially in the category of love, need to know the real you. Good, bad, crazy, indifferent. Because you can only pretend to be someone else for so long. And you owe it to yourself to realize that you are exactly what someone else wants...just as you already are.
Hell, you could make me the most decadent and gourmet chocolate cake, but guess what...I dont like chocolate. Now that doesnt mean you should change your recipe. Because there are tons of people out there who will love it just as it is.
(To be continued in "If Life is a Box of Chocolates, Making Out is a Piece of Cake" by Gina Geppi)
Dishing the dirt about being single in the city of Baltimore.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
3...2...1....Activate Body Potential! Part 4
As part of my Activate Body Potential program, Ben took the information and designed a complete workout and eating plan specifically for me. Based on my needs, my abilities, my desired results, and my schedule.
At our second one-on-one training session, Ben reviewed the program with me. First is my layout of working out during the week. As requested my "day off" from working out is Sunday. However there is one thing that I still need to do on Sundays. I still need to follow my eating plan and I still need to do my morning circuit. Each morning (as soon as I wake up, even before I pee or brush my teeth!) I need to do my Neural Activation Circuit. This circuit has several benefits. Not only is it jumpstarting my body for the day into fat burning mode by boosting my metabolic rate, but I find that starting the day this way helps put me on a path to make better decisions the rest of the day. A series of 7 exercises, it takes less than 10 minutes each morning to do. Come on, we can ALL do at least that much, right? Ben walked me through the circuit to make sure I understand each activity. And let me tell you (especially since my muscles were still sore from Wednesdays Boot Camp) that little bit of time really got my blood pumping!
So Sundays, are stay on my food plan and do my Morning Neural Activation Circuit. (To save my fingers we will call that the MNAC from now on) Now on Mondays I still start the day with MNAC and follow my eating plan, but I also have my one-on-one session at Activate Body Potential (ABP) with Ben. A great way to start the week!
Tuesdays, again start with MNAC, but I have a program to follow on my own for working out. Designed by Ben of course, on Tuesdays I do my Bodyweight Circuit. This is a series of 8 different exercises, with varying reps for each, that I must do back to back with no breaks. From squats to pushups to lunges to dead lifts, all using my own bodyweight as the resistance. So no equipment needed! Ben again walked me through this entire circuit. We found one exercise was a bit straining on my neck (i had 2 discs replaced in 2006) so we subbed in another exercise instead. Again, Ben is always accommodating and about making the plan work right for me! The key to this circuit is the no breaks in between exercises part. Its an ass kicker! Now you dont have to set a hard pace for each exercise, you can do slower jumping jacks if you like for example. But trust me when I say, you want to get it done as fast as you can! Especially the damn mountain climbers! I wanted to die through those! But of course I clearly didnt die, because here I am writing about it. LOL. Oh and one more thing, the Bodyweight Circuit gets done FIVE TIMES! FIVE! So after you do the full circuit, you can rest at then end, but then you have to do it four more times! The good news is Ben said I can break it up and do 2 in the morning and 3 at night if I want. But again, I suggest banging the whole circuit out at once. Then after its done, go for a 30 minute walk. A walk never felt so good. :)
Wednesdays, are MNAC, eating on the plan, and Cardio Boot Camp Class (see Part 3 of this Blog for more info on that).
Thursdays, are just like Tuesdays. MNAC, eating on the plan, and the Bodyweight Circuit.
Fridays, say goodbye to the term TGIF! Time for the Variable Intensity Cardio Workout. Anyone who knows me knows I run from the word cardio like I run from the term "fat-free". Its never something I look forward to. I like moving, but I prefer my cardio be something fun like dancing or....walking around the mall. But the plan Ben has for me is far more doable than any other system I have tried. (i hate treadmills and ellipticals because I get bored!) The VICW is a 23 minute workout where each minute I am varying my energy level. The activity of choice is walking/running. So for minute 1, I exert about a 3 on an energy scale of 1-10. A 3 is like a nice walking pace. But by minute 4 I am up to a 4, then minute 6 a level 6, and by minute 7 a level 8! Climbing in energy level as I go, it goes up and down through the 23 minutes. It may seem confusing but its actually great for me because its like I can walk then pick up the pace then slow down a little then back up then cool down. Keeps it interesting and keeps me from dying.
Saturdays are MNAC, food plan and Cardio Boxing Class (stay tuned for the blog on that one coming up soon).
The eating plan for the first month is somewhat strict, but doable. A low calorie, high protein diet consisting of chicken, protein powder, cottage cheese, berries, greek yogurt, egg whites, and green or black tea. These foods are consumed everyday, and in specific proportions. However I have a list of vegetables that I can add to those foods and in unlimited quantities. Like spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, peppers and more. I also can use spices to flavor up my dishes. I can prepare the dishes different ways each meal, as long as I eat all the foods I need to each day. No cutting out! I will tell you thus far its been a little tough because it can get boring. But I also think thats a mind issue because we always want what we cant have, and I usually eat these foods each day anyway! Plus if I want something, I actually can have it! How?
What I didnt tell you in my weekly layout is that I am allowed to have one day that I can eat what I want. I have opted to choose what day this is based on my weekly plans. So it will vary from week to week. Only rule, it cant be the SAME day I dont work out. So on my "day off" from working out, I still have to eat well. And on the day I indulge on food, I have to still workout. Makes sense when you think about it. Most people take a day off from everything, and that just makes that day that much more of a backstep in your progress!
So looking at my custom plan I am excited. Its based on me and what I need and what I can do. And Ben is there for constant support. I am sure eventually he will be sorry he told me that because I will be texting him one day at a movie theater because I am craving buttery popcorn on a day thats not my day off!
But I cant stress enough that I am a believer that this program will work for me. I am not being paid to advertise this, nor have I ever met or known anyone at ABP prior to starting this program. I encourage anyone who is looking for a way to get in shape and take control of their body to try this out. Just meet with Ben and see what you think. Thats what I did! And at this end of all this I will not only be ready to share my current fitness stats, I will even share what they were when I started!
At our second one-on-one training session, Ben reviewed the program with me. First is my layout of working out during the week. As requested my "day off" from working out is Sunday. However there is one thing that I still need to do on Sundays. I still need to follow my eating plan and I still need to do my morning circuit. Each morning (as soon as I wake up, even before I pee or brush my teeth!) I need to do my Neural Activation Circuit. This circuit has several benefits. Not only is it jumpstarting my body for the day into fat burning mode by boosting my metabolic rate, but I find that starting the day this way helps put me on a path to make better decisions the rest of the day. A series of 7 exercises, it takes less than 10 minutes each morning to do. Come on, we can ALL do at least that much, right? Ben walked me through the circuit to make sure I understand each activity. And let me tell you (especially since my muscles were still sore from Wednesdays Boot Camp) that little bit of time really got my blood pumping!
So Sundays, are stay on my food plan and do my Morning Neural Activation Circuit. (To save my fingers we will call that the MNAC from now on) Now on Mondays I still start the day with MNAC and follow my eating plan, but I also have my one-on-one session at Activate Body Potential (ABP) with Ben. A great way to start the week!
Tuesdays, again start with MNAC, but I have a program to follow on my own for working out. Designed by Ben of course, on Tuesdays I do my Bodyweight Circuit. This is a series of 8 different exercises, with varying reps for each, that I must do back to back with no breaks. From squats to pushups to lunges to dead lifts, all using my own bodyweight as the resistance. So no equipment needed! Ben again walked me through this entire circuit. We found one exercise was a bit straining on my neck (i had 2 discs replaced in 2006) so we subbed in another exercise instead. Again, Ben is always accommodating and about making the plan work right for me! The key to this circuit is the no breaks in between exercises part. Its an ass kicker! Now you dont have to set a hard pace for each exercise, you can do slower jumping jacks if you like for example. But trust me when I say, you want to get it done as fast as you can! Especially the damn mountain climbers! I wanted to die through those! But of course I clearly didnt die, because here I am writing about it. LOL. Oh and one more thing, the Bodyweight Circuit gets done FIVE TIMES! FIVE! So after you do the full circuit, you can rest at then end, but then you have to do it four more times! The good news is Ben said I can break it up and do 2 in the morning and 3 at night if I want. But again, I suggest banging the whole circuit out at once. Then after its done, go for a 30 minute walk. A walk never felt so good. :)
Wednesdays, are MNAC, eating on the plan, and Cardio Boot Camp Class (see Part 3 of this Blog for more info on that).
Thursdays, are just like Tuesdays. MNAC, eating on the plan, and the Bodyweight Circuit.
Fridays, say goodbye to the term TGIF! Time for the Variable Intensity Cardio Workout. Anyone who knows me knows I run from the word cardio like I run from the term "fat-free". Its never something I look forward to. I like moving, but I prefer my cardio be something fun like dancing or....walking around the mall. But the plan Ben has for me is far more doable than any other system I have tried. (i hate treadmills and ellipticals because I get bored!) The VICW is a 23 minute workout where each minute I am varying my energy level. The activity of choice is walking/running. So for minute 1, I exert about a 3 on an energy scale of 1-10. A 3 is like a nice walking pace. But by minute 4 I am up to a 4, then minute 6 a level 6, and by minute 7 a level 8! Climbing in energy level as I go, it goes up and down through the 23 minutes. It may seem confusing but its actually great for me because its like I can walk then pick up the pace then slow down a little then back up then cool down. Keeps it interesting and keeps me from dying.
Saturdays are MNAC, food plan and Cardio Boxing Class (stay tuned for the blog on that one coming up soon).
The eating plan for the first month is somewhat strict, but doable. A low calorie, high protein diet consisting of chicken, protein powder, cottage cheese, berries, greek yogurt, egg whites, and green or black tea. These foods are consumed everyday, and in specific proportions. However I have a list of vegetables that I can add to those foods and in unlimited quantities. Like spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, peppers and more. I also can use spices to flavor up my dishes. I can prepare the dishes different ways each meal, as long as I eat all the foods I need to each day. No cutting out! I will tell you thus far its been a little tough because it can get boring. But I also think thats a mind issue because we always want what we cant have, and I usually eat these foods each day anyway! Plus if I want something, I actually can have it! How?
What I didnt tell you in my weekly layout is that I am allowed to have one day that I can eat what I want. I have opted to choose what day this is based on my weekly plans. So it will vary from week to week. Only rule, it cant be the SAME day I dont work out. So on my "day off" from working out, I still have to eat well. And on the day I indulge on food, I have to still workout. Makes sense when you think about it. Most people take a day off from everything, and that just makes that day that much more of a backstep in your progress!
So looking at my custom plan I am excited. Its based on me and what I need and what I can do. And Ben is there for constant support. I am sure eventually he will be sorry he told me that because I will be texting him one day at a movie theater because I am craving buttery popcorn on a day thats not my day off!
But I cant stress enough that I am a believer that this program will work for me. I am not being paid to advertise this, nor have I ever met or known anyone at ABP prior to starting this program. I encourage anyone who is looking for a way to get in shape and take control of their body to try this out. Just meet with Ben and see what you think. Thats what I did! And at this end of all this I will not only be ready to share my current fitness stats, I will even share what they were when I started!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
3...2...1....Activate Body Potential! Part 3
When Ben first told me that I was going to be attending a "Cardio Boot Camp" class each Wednesday, I was nervous. When I hear the term "Boot Camp" I immediately picture some totally intimidating instructor who will yell at me if I dont work hard enough and will keep telling me to drop and give him 20. Not to mention I envisioned I would want to die after the class.
So when Wednesday came, I was having a really busy day and had some personal drama that had put me in a mood that I could have easily said "skip boot camp, I am going for margaritas." But based on the experience so far I was having with Activate Body, I decided to push myself and go to the class.
The class was only 6 of us plus one instructor (Ben had told me they keep their classes to only a handful of people). A mix of women of different ages and one man. The instructor was also a man. And at first glance he didnt look too scary so I knew I had made the right choice in coming.
We started with some floor exercises like plank to warm up and strengthen our core. Then a few footwork drills.
Then it was on to the first circuit. With 6 people in the class there were 6 stations set up that we would each go to for 45 seconds. I know what you are thinking....45 seconds???? But thats another thing I love about Activate Body Potential. Ben told me something on day one that I will never forget. You ever notice that marathon runners arent always really thin? But sprinters always are. Thats because runners put out 70-80% energy/effort for a long stretch of time. Whereas sprinters exert 100% energy for a short period of time. They are actually burning fat more efficiently and breaking the body's desire to store fat for survival. Genius!
So, throughout the class we did each station for 45 seconds but at full effort. Then we would rest and move to the next. And let me tell you, something that may seem as simple as doing lunges for 45 seconds, can really kick your ass if you just came off doing 5 other stations. We did the full circuit twice.
Then we started a new circuit. Same concept, 45 seconds at each then move to the next one. Each of us at a different station. (And what I love is everyone was feeling the burn the same way!! Even though it was my first class I didnt feel behind the game!) The second of course seemed way harder, especially the lateral plank walks across the rope ladder on the floor. I wanted to die! 45 seconds never seemed so long! But after 2 rounds, I made it! I was dripping with sweat, and my body was sore, but I made it! It was the best feeling!!!
Then to cool down we paired up and did a circuit of 3 more exercises. Simple and calm and again for only 45 seconds.
Then we moved to mats to complete the class with some stretches. It was the perfect way to end. The hour literally flew by!
I will tell you something, especially the ladies out there. Its easy to complain about our bodies and even make excuses why we dont have time to get in shape. But at the end of a day like my boot camp day, all that mattered was that I had pushed myself. I pushed myself to go, I pushed myself to make it through, and I pushed myself to finish. The time you take for yourself isnt about being selfish. Its about how that time can make you a better person for everyone else in your life. So the next time you have a bad day, try sweating the misery out with a good fitness class. Namely, Cardio Boot Camp! Its Wednesday nights at 6:30 at Activate Body Potential. First 3 classes are free! Come kick your own ass with me! LOL
Stay tuned for more...........
So when Wednesday came, I was having a really busy day and had some personal drama that had put me in a mood that I could have easily said "skip boot camp, I am going for margaritas." But based on the experience so far I was having with Activate Body, I decided to push myself and go to the class.
The class was only 6 of us plus one instructor (Ben had told me they keep their classes to only a handful of people). A mix of women of different ages and one man. The instructor was also a man. And at first glance he didnt look too scary so I knew I had made the right choice in coming.
We started with some floor exercises like plank to warm up and strengthen our core. Then a few footwork drills.
Then it was on to the first circuit. With 6 people in the class there were 6 stations set up that we would each go to for 45 seconds. I know what you are thinking....45 seconds???? But thats another thing I love about Activate Body Potential. Ben told me something on day one that I will never forget. You ever notice that marathon runners arent always really thin? But sprinters always are. Thats because runners put out 70-80% energy/effort for a long stretch of time. Whereas sprinters exert 100% energy for a short period of time. They are actually burning fat more efficiently and breaking the body's desire to store fat for survival. Genius!
So, throughout the class we did each station for 45 seconds but at full effort. Then we would rest and move to the next. And let me tell you, something that may seem as simple as doing lunges for 45 seconds, can really kick your ass if you just came off doing 5 other stations. We did the full circuit twice.
Then we started a new circuit. Same concept, 45 seconds at each then move to the next one. Each of us at a different station. (And what I love is everyone was feeling the burn the same way!! Even though it was my first class I didnt feel behind the game!) The second of course seemed way harder, especially the lateral plank walks across the rope ladder on the floor. I wanted to die! 45 seconds never seemed so long! But after 2 rounds, I made it! I was dripping with sweat, and my body was sore, but I made it! It was the best feeling!!!
Then to cool down we paired up and did a circuit of 3 more exercises. Simple and calm and again for only 45 seconds.
Then we moved to mats to complete the class with some stretches. It was the perfect way to end. The hour literally flew by!
I will tell you something, especially the ladies out there. Its easy to complain about our bodies and even make excuses why we dont have time to get in shape. But at the end of a day like my boot camp day, all that mattered was that I had pushed myself. I pushed myself to go, I pushed myself to make it through, and I pushed myself to finish. The time you take for yourself isnt about being selfish. Its about how that time can make you a better person for everyone else in your life. So the next time you have a bad day, try sweating the misery out with a good fitness class. Namely, Cardio Boot Camp! Its Wednesday nights at 6:30 at Activate Body Potential. First 3 classes are free! Come kick your own ass with me! LOL
Stay tuned for more...........
Thursday, June 2, 2011
3...2...1....Activate Body Potential! Part 2
Part 2 of my Activate Body Potential series....was my first one-on-one workout with Ben. Starting with a detailed description of exactly what I could expect from the program and making sure that our communication was open throughout the process, we composed my profile. Ben reviewed my health history, any physical limitations or concerns, and what I wanted to get out of the program. What i loved was how Ben made sure that we were on the same page. Like when i said I wanted to be healthy, toned and have more energy, he asked me what my idea of healthy was, and what my idea of toned was. He also talked to me about how its important not to focus on just the idea of losing weight, using the example in 90 days would you rather weigh what you want but look the same, or weigh the same but have the body you want? More and more I could tell Ben was a great fit to get me in the shape I wanted.
He also told me we were going to focus on one month at a time. So not to look at things too far ahead, just to look at 28 days at a time. This made me feel even more like I would be able to stick to the plan. So once we had outlined what my program was going to look like (1 one-on-one session a week with Ben, 2 group classes, and 3 days independent workout) it was time for the scary part.......measurements!
No one likes getting their body measuring when they aren't happy with the condition its in. But its important to be able to see the results you are getting right? So Ben did a full body composition test on me. Measuring tape, that fat pincher thing, and of course...the scale. I must say, I actually felt really comfortable with him. Ben is very reassuring and encouraging so I didnt even feel self-conscious! (even though i hated all my numbers! LOL)
Then it was time to review my numbers. Ben has a program that calculates, based on the measurements, exactly how many pounds of my body is lean muscle and how much is fat. Then we talked about which numbers (i.e. legs, arms, chest) that I wanted to most see change. He asked which I wanted to see go up and which I wanted to see go down. I said "i cant imagine wanting any of them to go up!" This information helped Ben to know what exercises we should be doing.
Now it was time to workout! Ben told me this would be the "easiest" workout of all the ones I would do because he was just getting an idea of how I move. I had told him I was having some shoulder issues lately in addition to the neck issues I already have (i had 2 herniated discs replaced in 2006, and now another disc bulging). He was very conscious of this throughout the workout. There came one point during an exercise where I felt discomfort in my shoulder and he immediately addressed it. (we are thinking it is most likely my rotator cuff)
After the workout I could already feel my legs burning. But it was great! Finally i was feeling sore from working out, and not from just dragging my lazy ass up a flight of stairs! I am so excited about this program! Everything about it says that I will not only be able to do it, but stick with it as well. I can already feel myself making better decisions!
Tune in to the next part about my Cardio Boot Camp class!
He also told me we were going to focus on one month at a time. So not to look at things too far ahead, just to look at 28 days at a time. This made me feel even more like I would be able to stick to the plan. So once we had outlined what my program was going to look like (1 one-on-one session a week with Ben, 2 group classes, and 3 days independent workout) it was time for the scary part.......measurements!
No one likes getting their body measuring when they aren't happy with the condition its in. But its important to be able to see the results you are getting right? So Ben did a full body composition test on me. Measuring tape, that fat pincher thing, and of course...the scale. I must say, I actually felt really comfortable with him. Ben is very reassuring and encouraging so I didnt even feel self-conscious! (even though i hated all my numbers! LOL)
Then it was time to review my numbers. Ben has a program that calculates, based on the measurements, exactly how many pounds of my body is lean muscle and how much is fat. Then we talked about which numbers (i.e. legs, arms, chest) that I wanted to most see change. He asked which I wanted to see go up and which I wanted to see go down. I said "i cant imagine wanting any of them to go up!" This information helped Ben to know what exercises we should be doing.
Now it was time to workout! Ben told me this would be the "easiest" workout of all the ones I would do because he was just getting an idea of how I move. I had told him I was having some shoulder issues lately in addition to the neck issues I already have (i had 2 herniated discs replaced in 2006, and now another disc bulging). He was very conscious of this throughout the workout. There came one point during an exercise where I felt discomfort in my shoulder and he immediately addressed it. (we are thinking it is most likely my rotator cuff)
After the workout I could already feel my legs burning. But it was great! Finally i was feeling sore from working out, and not from just dragging my lazy ass up a flight of stairs! I am so excited about this program! Everything about it says that I will not only be able to do it, but stick with it as well. I can already feel myself making better decisions!
Tune in to the next part about my Cardio Boot Camp class!
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