Thursday, July 28, 2011

I just found the SWEETest new makeup!

I really lucked out. I have been using Jane Iredale makeup for over 5 years now. I discovered it back when I was working at a day spa. It was my first introduction to mineral makeup and I was a big fan. But it was getting harder and harder to find Jane anywhere and it was pretty pricey. 
As luck would have it, I discovered a brand new mineral makeup line called Sweet Minerals! Created by some local ladies with a background in makeup and eyes for style, as soon as I heard about Sweet Minerals I was stoked to check it out. 
Via Twitter (thank god for Twitter!) I got in touch with Sweet Minerals and let them know I was eager to try their stuff!
I was invited by them to attend a Ladies Day Out Event at La Palapa recently where Sweet Minerals was demonstrating their products. Heather, one of the creators and a makeup artist, gave me a full face makeup application using Sweet Minerals. I loved how the makeup felt on my face, pretty much like I wasnt wearing any at all. And the color palette was stunning! So many fun and festive colors to choose from with names like Blue Hawaiian and Bubble Gum you will find your mouth watering! But dont eat them! LOL. 
Seriously I just got my own collection of Sweet Minerals, and I tried applying it myself. The shadows go on so easy and have such a nice hue to them. And the bronzer makes me feel like I just came from a weekend at the beach! Plus this makeup is totally dummy proof if you ask me. I love makeup and always have, but you can apply this even if you are a novice at "face painting". 
Sweet Minerals is only available in select places right now, so follow them on Twitter and Like their Facebook page for more info and to find out how to get yours. I promise you that you will LOVE it! 
Oh and for those who know about mineral makeup, it doesnt contain Bismuth either (the ingredient in many mineral makeups that alot of people are allergic to), and yet it still provides great coverage. 
I will DEFINITELY be having the Sweet Minerals ladies at one of my upcoming events. But dont waste any time! Order a starter kit from them! 
As you all know I dont endorse anything I dont love. And I LOVE Sweet Minerals.
Special thanks to Chrissy and Heather at Sweet Minerals for introducing me to this awesome makeup line!