So I have alot of guy friends. And the majority of them, I am not really attracted to. And thats not as much to do with their looks, as it is to do with the fact that I know way too much about them. This makes being friends with them easy. But then every so often there is a guy friend that falls in that zone of "hey, i would make out with you." Its not a guy I want to date, or maybe not even one I want to do more than make out with, but at the very least there are times I find myself around them and thinking "i wish we were making out right now."
Now to understand this story completely you have to know something very important about me. I love making out. LOVE it. In fact I am working on a book about my philosophies about it and why I dont get why more people dont just shut up already and make out. (perhaps you have even heard me mention this before....most likely) So when I am NOT making out with someone, there must be a reason. Of course there is the first obvious answer, they are taken. And yes, that is the first one. Even above not being attracted. Beer goggles are a much more forgivable offense the next day, then messing with a guy who you know has a girlfriend. I mean lets be honest, as much as attraction, especially drunken sexual attraction, is something you cant always control, you CAN control if you act on it. And while I cant say that in my life I never have, thats one area I can say I am always trying to learn my lessons in one take.
So okay, first is that he has a gf, so no making out. Second reason would be I am not attracted at all. Third, would be, even though he is attractive, or at least attractive enough, something about his personality is so overwhelmingly off-putting that I cant even manage to see beyond it to just get my make out on. Either he is so totally arrogant that I am sure he will put way too much thought into what he thinks this makeout session means to me, or worse, he is so uptight he wont be able to just makeout and let it not mean anything. Guys can actually sometimes be worse even then girls when it comes to the "what does this mean" viewpoint. And in the end, sometimes even the best kissing isnt worth the drama after the fact.
So what do we do with these friends that we want to make out with? Well, the better the friend, the less likely I will do anything actually. Its way easier to make out with a stranger. If it goes sour, no big loss.
But still I can't help but look at some of my guy friends and think, man if you werent so damn uptight I bet we could have a lot of fun just making out. Or, damn, you are so fun, I wish I was more attracted to you. But dont wish anything about the ones that have gfs. Why steal someone else's car when there are plenty out there you can test drive for free!
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